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Set against a yellow background are two wood-framed inset scenes. The upper one shows a covered bridge going across a frozen river with snow all around and two people crossing it. The lower is a black-and-white drawing of a mailman beside a mailbox…
A blonde-haired Mary is dressed in red with a blue cloak. At her feet, two babies without clothes play. She is holding onto baby Jesus, who is accepting a cross-shaped staff from another slightly older child, perhaps John the Baptist. In the…
The card reads "And all the doors openeth He, The new born Christ, Lord of the New Year, The threshold of our locked hearts standeth near, And while He gives us back love's rusted key, Our Future on us with His eyes has smiled Even as a little…
Snow covers a hilly scene with a tree and fence in the foreground and more trees in the background. A star shines its light down from the upper center of the card. "A Merry Christmas" is printed at the bottom.
On top of a green hill, a shepherd stands surrounded by his flock of sheep. He is facing away, towards the blue night sky where one gold star shines brighter than the others. "A Peaceful Christmas" is printed at the top and there is a sprig of holly…
In the upper part of the card there is a scene of sheep grazing in a meadow. There are trees, shrubs, and rocks in the valley and mountains and clouds in the far distance. Below the scene is the greeting "When Shepherds watched their flocks by night"…
The greeting reads "Because it is the Christmastide / Rare gifts I fain would send; / But what more choice and rare / than this - / Love from the heart of a friend? / Brette A. Garland." The first "B" is larger than than the others and holly borders…
The card has a dark border with silver lines and a few holly berries on it; "A Merry Christmas" is printed at the bottom.. The center has a white background and holly clusters in the upper right and lower left. The print reads "Christmas-tide is a…
Printed near the center of the card in red is "A Happy Christmas Song". There is a large cluster of holly berries and leaves in the lower left and a smaller one in the upper right.
Printed at the top of the card is "A Merry Christmas" with a small sprig of holly. Most of the card is taken up with a snowy scene of a snow-covered house, bridge, stream, and trees in the background.
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