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Two white trucks are visible in this image. In front of the truck may be seen a large sign. Only one of the men holding the sign is entirely visible. The sign reads “SHERRILS SUNDAY SCHOOLS.”
A float whose base is decorated in dark colored fabric dominates this image. Two individuals appear to be standing on the float. They are standing between two large, white objects. A man, lying down and dressed in an Arabic costume, is also partially…
A boy, dressed in dark coveralls and wide brimmed hat, is standing behind the handles of a plow that has been mounted on the back of an open touring car. The car is wrapped in white sheeting. A sign above the driver reads “Asbury M. E. Sunday…
A large bible open to Chapter 12 in the book of Romans is depicted on this float. The text read in part “I beseech you therefore brethren…Be not overcome of evil but overcome evil with good.” A sign that reads “THE OPEN BIBLE” has been attached to…
A marching band composed of male band members is shown marching in place during the parade. The men are dressed in dark pantaloons and bolero-style jackets, white shirts, white spats and dark caps. The drum major is wearing a tall, white, fur hat and…
Figures wearing white robes are standing on a large float. A sign that reads “Enter into his …” has been attached to the side of the float.
Elementary school age children and their teachers are walking along the parade route. All the children are wearing light colored clothing and sashes.
Children are riding in the back of a truck that has been decorated to resemble a church building. A sign painted on the truck’s cab reads “Sales and Service.” Attached to the bed of the truck is another, larger sign that reads “ …ye Children I teach…
A marching band consisting of both men and women members is marching toward the photographer. Band members are playing trombones, saxophones, clarinets and upright tubas. The drum major is marching, and conversing with a parade marshal.
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