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Mary in an orange robe and white head wrap sits on a rock with a naked baby Jesus on her lap. Joseph in green and white stands behind them to the right. To the left, there are two standing angels and one sitting, who sings or reads from a book. Two…
Joseph, in dark blue and green, holds an older baby Jesus who is wrapped in white. In the background is a vine climbing a trellis, a road, hills, and sunrise. "A Merry Christmas" is printed at the bottom.
Inside a manger full of hay and straw, baby Jesus, wrapped in a cloth, is seen clutching a few small branches of holly. This portrait of baby Jesus is ornamented with two branches of holly that bear holly berries. Above the picture, among two more…
In this postcard newly-born Jesus is shown in a manger in Bethlehem. Among him are three angels dressed in blue, yellow, and pink robes, praying for him and watching over him. At the bottom of the postcard "Welcome to the Happy New Year" is printed…
Mary is seen holding her newborn son, Jesus, among a chorus of angels that are all praying and playing for the birth of Jesus. Bordering the picture is a frame encompassing mistletoe and the phrase "mistletoe" at the top of the card.
In a stable, Mary in red and white holds a naked baby Jesus. Joseph in blue stands behind her. In front of them kneels a shepherd with a crook, dressed in brown. There is a cow next to the people. The card is on a white, gold, and holly background…
Mary, dressed in red and blue with her hair up, head surrounded by a halo of gold, holds the newborn baby Jesus swaddled in white amidst the hay. Two angels kneel on either side; one in pale pink and one in pale blue. A manger stands in the…
On the left side of the card stands a blonde-haired figure in pale pink, surrounded by stars as well as rays of light and with an evergreen branch in one upraised arm. The person could be either Jesus or an angel. On the right, there is a cluster of…
An antlered reindeer has a child in pink with a halo and evergreen tree standing and balancing on its back. A shepherd in orange with a crook leads it. The background is a snowy field, evergreen trees, and starry sky. "Frohliche Weihnachten!" is…
The card depicts, in black and white, a stable scene of Joseph and Mary gazing upon the newborn baby Jesus in a manger. Stylistically, it looks as if statues were photographed. The print beneath reads "Wie danken die, Herr Jesu Christ, / daB du ein…
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