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Father Christmas is dressed in a long red hooded robe. He has a bag of toys over his shoulder as well as dolls and a bundle of sticks at his belt. Next to him is a deer, and in the background is a church with lit windows. The card reads "A happy…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long red coat with white trim. His white belt and suspenders have gold buttons or bells on them. He is kneeling on the ground next to a happy little girl, who is on his left side. In his right hand he holds a golden…
Father Christmas has stopped on his way to a house and has his hand out to calm a brown dog. He is dressed in a coat and pants with a bag of toys on his back and a tree next to him on the ground. There is another house in the background. The card is…
The card's colors are dull, and only the pink of the doll being held by Father Christmas stands out. Father Christmas, in a hooded coat, is seated. He is holding a blonde-haired doll to the right of the card, dressed in a pale blue dress and pink…
The card is either a highly realistic drawing or a monochrome photograph of Father Christmas posing with a donkey and its rider. Father Christmas is wearing a coat and hat and has long hair and beard.The donkey is carrying a drum and basket slung…
Father Christmas in a red coat and blue pants is in the first sled coming down a snowy hill. The sled is red and has long runners, which he steers with; an evergreen and his toys are on the back of the sled. Behind him, two elves in green and red…
Father Christmas in a red coat, black pants and no hat walks in the air over a village. He carries an enormous bag of toys over his shoulder, two or three times his size. Two dolls' feet are hanging out the opening, another peaks over the top of the…
In a round inset to the left of the card, Father Christmas in blue carries a snowy evergreen over his shoulder. To the right is a bunch of holly and evergreen branches. "With Glad Christmas Greetings" is printed in the lower right, and the background…
Father Christmas stands to the right of the card; he is wearing a long red robe, carrying a tree over his right shoulder, and holding a walking stick in his left hand. Toys, including dolls and a trumpet, hang from his belt. He is wearing a…
Father Christmas stands slightly behind a lighted and decorated Christmas tree, on the right side of the card. He is wearing a white coat and a red hat, and carries a basket of toys on his back and a satchel of them at his side. In front of the tree,…
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