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A sketched Father Christmas treads on the snow lugging a tree over his shoulder. He is dressed in a long, tan coat with buttons and red, fur trim. In one hand is a walking stick and on his back is a basket of gifts. The tree over his shoulder is…
A short Father Christmas is wearing a orange-brown robe, red hat, and carrying a satchel and bag as well as a walking stick. The viewer sees him through an scalloped archway of a building surrounded by evergreen. He appears to be walking through an…
A short Father Christmas is wearing a orange-brown robe, red hat, and carrying a satchel and bag as well as a walking stick. The viewer sees him through an adorned archway of a building. He appears to be walking through an upper-level street of a…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long brown hooded robe and appears to be barefoot; he also wears no gloves. His right hand carries a walking stick. With his left arm, he hugs a snowy evergreen to him. He is standing on a snowy path that leads to a…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long brown robe with thick spotted white trim. His red hat is tall and conical, with evergreen wreathing it. He carries an evergreen tree over his right shoulder and a green bag with red drum attached over his left.…
In the center of the card is a circular inset of a church with lights in the windows and sunset in the background. Walking out on the path from the church is Father Christmas, carrying a tree. Above the circle is a cluster of two large golden bells…
Father Christmas in a long brown robe is pulling a sled through the woods at sunrise. On his back is a bag of toys and bundle of branches; on the sled is a package and small decorated and lighted Christmas tree. In the background there are tall…
Father Christmas, dressed in brown, is pictured in the lower left of the card. He carries a walking stick in his left hand and toys at his belt and in the bag over his back. His back is turned so he faces an expanse of a snowy path, cabin, and…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long dark red coat with brown trim and a dark blue fur hat. He is laden with packages; at his left side is a small satchel of toys, and under his right arm he carries another larger bag of toys and a package. Above…
Father Christmas stands underneath a dark blue umbrella ringed with Christmas tree evergreen. He is wearing a long dark red coat and hat, both with white trim. At his left side is a satchel of bright toys, and over his right shoulder is a bag also…
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