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Received your kind personal letter.
I hope the flood waters have subsided.
Thank you for the Retreat Schedule.
I always feel guilty when I get a letter from you, because I don't get around to writing as I should like.
This postcard has a red background with a large-eared Krampus wearing a pinstripe suit throwing a scarf around a woman's face. She stands in front of him wearing a white apron and long skirt and is trying to look back at the Krampus angrily with her…
This postcard has a red background with a winged Krampus cooking a woman in a large pot over a roaring fire. The Krampus is seen on the right side of the postcard smiling and stirring the pot holding the woman. She sits amidst the steam coming off of…
This postcard has a red background and shows a hairy, winged, long-tailed, and horned Krampus tied up on the bottom left of the card with a shocked expression on his face. On his right, a white bulldog is seen holding Krampus' broom, sticking its…
Your letter of Ocbober 31st. reached me this morning and I am very grateful for the report as also for the interesting news contained in your letter.
Monthly report of the chaplain for April 1948 submitted to the Military Ordinate for the unit stationed at Lackland AF Base in San Antonio, Texas.
After a month at Fort Knox, I am happily busy in my little parish.
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