Browse Items (5731 total)
A large, glass-front display case with various sized boxes, pamphlets and rows of tools used in the practice of dentistry dominates this image. Another case filled with bottles is also visible. A woman, seated, is partially visible behind an…
Two men, one of whom may be Paul Strelau, are standing and seated at a waist-high, double-sided worktable, with an angled writing surface. Ledgers and a telephone are on the table. A doorway and two open pass-through windows to interior rooms are…
A group of women, young girls, and one nun are posed outside a stone building and on its upper porch. The building is long and narrow and has a decorative railing around the top. Today, it has undergone extensive additions. Located at 6th and Bluff,…
One of the Master Brewers at the Dubuque Brewing and Malting Company, and also pictured in photograph KL 165-452, appears to be testing the contents of a kettle in the brewing room. The top of a large copper brewing kettle is visible in the rear of…
Two men are standing in the corner of a small room at the Dubuque Brewing and Malting Company. A scale and two small copper brewing tanks are among equipment visible on a table behind the men. Shelves containing glass vials, bottles and stone jugs…
Celebrating the 300th anniversary of Shakespeare's death, two dozen young women holding long streamers which have been attached to the top of a tall pole are seen marching in a parade. Small American flags have been attached to the top of the May…
Three groups of girls, dressed in white dresses, white stockings and dark vests are standing around tall May Poles. Some are holding streamers and some are standing in pairs waiting to walking around the poles. A fourth group is partially visible in…
Groups of girls, dressed in white dresses, white stockings and dark vests, may be seen holding long streamers and dancing in circles around three May Poles. A fourth group is partially visible in the image. Boys and men are sitting and standing on…
Young girls and boys, each holding one end of a long ribbon, are shown standing in a circle around a tall pole. The other end of the ribbon has been attached to the top of the pole, and the ribbons have been braided together around the pole. The…
The substantial brick building with the distinctive peaked roof in the foreground of this image is the McCormick Gymnasium, which was dedicated December 15, 1914. The building to the left of the gymnasium is Severance Hall. Dubuque College is now…
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