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Traditional Santa is wearing blue pants and is hanging ornaments on a Christmas tree. There is a brown bag of toys behind him.
Traditional Santa wearing blue pants with both hands hovered over the tree. The tree and curtain are both green.
Traditional Santa is hanging bright red ornaments on the Christmas tree. The table cloth and his bag of toys are a light purple.
Father Christmas is playing the trumpet. He is carrying a basket of red and blue toys and there is a Christmas tree behind him.
Santa is in a circle in the middle of the post card. In the circle, he is carrying a bag of toys and a red stick in his right hand.
Santa is writing "Merry Xmas" in the sky. He has a bag of toys on his back.
Traditional Santa is sharing a collar with a reindeer. Santa is feeding the reindeer and they seem to be close friends.
Santa is bringing some dolls to a sleeping girl. There are many gold accent colors in this card.
Father Christmas is bringing toys to two children tucked into bed. There is a drum and a trumpet on the bed.
Bear in pink coat visits a girl who has fallen asleep waiting for him. The bear is carrying some toys on his back in a brown basket.

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