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Father Christmas' head, covered in a red hood, is nestled amid holly leaves and branches. Printed in the lower left is "Christmas Greetings."
The card shows a head view of Father Christmas nestled amid holly leaves and berries. Printed in the lower right corner is "A merry Christmas to you."
Santa Claus is dressed in a long red hooded coat and has a bag of toys on his back, with more toys at his belt. The card is decorated with a large holly decoration, ribbon of ringing bells, and gold border.
Santa Claus is seen inside a rectangular portrait. garnishing that portrait are bushels of holly among holly berries. Underneath the portrait, lies a banner that reads :a jolly Christmastide". Underneath the banner the sentence "may Santa Claus bring…
Inside a pentagonal portrait, Santa Claus is seen smiling and holding a bushel of holly. Below the portrait the phrase "if you can wish a better Christmas than the one I am wishing for you- may it be yours" can be read.
In a diamond-shaped portrait, Santa Claus is seen with several toys. Decorating the portrait are five purple flowers and a blue and white ornate design. On the middle left-hand side of the card is the phrase "xmas greeting". Below, in the the bottom…
In a circular picture, Santa Claus is seen smiling. Surrounding him, are bushels of holly, covered in ice and snow. On the bottom left-hand side of the postcard reads the phrase "may joy and happiness fill your heart this Christmas day".
Santa Claus is seen within a portrait. Around him are bushels of holly, holly berries, and bells. On the top of the postcard, there is a snowy mountain view. On the bottom of the notecard, the phrase "a joyous Christmas" is printed.
On a postcard covered in clovers, holly bushels, and holly berries, there lies a portrait of Father Christmas, clutching a bundle of sticks and a sack of toys. Underneath the portrait, the phrase "a merry Christmas" is read.
Among a picture of Santa Claus, decorated by three bells and holly leaves, the phrase "a hearty Christmas" can be read.
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