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The card shows Father Christmas in a long dark coat with a basket of toys on his back walking on a path outside a village with two little girls. One, dressed in orange, is smiling and carrying a yellow doll. The other, dressed in yellow, is barely…
The monochrome card shows Father Christmas and an angel outside in the snow. Father Christmas is dressed in a dark coat and carries a walking stick, while the angel is in white and wears a flower crown. Behind them are evergreens. Both are looking…
In black and white, the card depicts a scene that looks like Father Christmas marrying a man and woman, although he may just be presenting them with a gift. He stands behind and above them, in front of a set of windows. The couple stands facing each…
The black-and-white scene is a children's bedroom; two are sleeping under the covers of a large bed. Santa Claus is beside it, delivering toys from his bag and watching the children. There is a small painting on the wall behind them, and the bottom…
The card, in black and white, shows Father Christmas in a long dark hooded coat unloading toys and a Christmas tree from his basket on the ground. Two either lifelike dolls or little girls are depicted; one sleeping against a wall and another…
Against a monochrome background, the colors of Father Christmas and the two children pop. Father Christmas stands to the left in a dark coat and white polka dot hat. There are toys at his belt; in his left arm he carries a tree and in his right, a…
In black and white, the card depicts Father Christmas in a long dark coat with white trim sawing off the top of an evergreen tree. He has a doll at his belt and toys on his back. From behind a bare-branched tree to the left, a little boy watches him.…
The monochrome card shows Father Christmas standing outside a house with a wall behind him to the right and a fence with gates to the left. He is dressed in an ornate holly coat - it appears to be made out of the leaves itself, and they also decorate…
The black-and-white card shows Father Christmas in a hooded robe standing at a full dinner table. It holds a pot, wine bottle, glass, main dish and more. The background is a rough wooden wall with a door frame to the right. He is holding a card with…
Done in black and white, the card shows Santa Claus climbing into the brick chimney of a roof. His full bag of toys is next to him on the left, and the moon shines through the clouds on the right. "Best Wishes / For Christmas" is printed within the…
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