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From a door in the back right corner, Santa Claus enters a living room where two children, a boy and girl, wait. Both have blonde hair; the boy stands taller in the front in blue and white, while the girl, in a white dress with purple ribbons, hides…
Father Christmas is inset in a circle in the upper right, wearing a hooded white robe and carrying toys and a small tree. The rest of the scene shows a sunset and town in the far distance beyond a field. In the front is a man waiting by a gate in a…
The main rectangular inset of the card features a holly decoration; to its upper left is a smaller circular inset of a white-clothed Father Christmas. Surrounding the scenes are ornaments, holly, and a bell. "Christmas Greetings" is printed in the…
In this card, Father Christmas is a mountain. The entire peak is white, and his face is in the middle, with the top seeming to serve as his hat. He has one white-gloved hand poking out of the snow. At the bottom of the mountain is a girl in pink with…
Santa Claus is wearing a white robe with a red and white overcoat. He is framed on the card by a large golden horseshoe which is decorated with holly and toys. "May Santa Claus be Good to You" is printed at the bottom.
Father Christmas is dressed in a white robe with red and white overcoat; he carries a walking stick in one hand and toys in another. An evergreen is tied to his back. The card's background on the left is bare-branched trees, while on the right there…
Father Christmas is dressed in a white coat with gold polka dots. On his back is a small white bag with the tops of toys visible; as he walks, Father Christmas is slightly hunched over, using his walking stick. "Frohliche Weihnachten" is printed at…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long white coat and a pointed white cap. He has a basket of toys on his back and some at his belt. To the right side of the card, he holds a waist-high snowy evergreen propped on the ground next to him. Behind him is…
Inset in a circle in the upper right is a head view of Father Christmas, wrapped in a hooded gray coat with a bundle of holly on his back. Below the inset are two golden-haired girls in bright pinkish-red dresses and caps. Although outside in the…
Santa Claus is dressed in a white coat and holly-rimmed red hat. He has pulled a blue doll out of his satchel of toys. Surrounding the inset are a few holly decorations, along with a horseshoe in the upper left. The bottom reads "A Jolly Christmas to…
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