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Father Christmas is dressed in a long dark coat with white trim. A hood covers his head from the falling snow, which is blowing hard in the wind. He carries a satchel of toys over one shoulder, a bag on his back, and a bundle of sticks raised up in…
Father Christmas is dressed in a heavy blue coat. His hat seems to be army-style with a cross on the front. He carries a shepherd's crook as a walking stick. Over both arms he carries wicker baskets full of toys and gifts, and in his right hand also…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long gray hooded coat and carries a brown bag on his back; a small cherub dressed in white sits upon it. His walking stick has a small Christmas tree with star at the top. Next to him, another small angel in white…
Father Christmas, dressed in a long tan coat and red hat, carries a walking stick in one hand. A doll peeks out from the bag over his shoulder. He is walking toward a snow-covered evergreen branch. Behind him is a door with light shining from it and…
The card depicts a head view of Father Christmas; he is wearing a dark-colored hat and his long white beard trails into the holly framing his face. There are icicles in the background. Near the bottom is the poem "Again the holidays are here / With…
A haloed child, likely Jesus, rides on Father Christmas' right shoulder. Father Christmas himself is wearing a long tan coat and spiked crown while carrying a tree as a walking stick. There is a deer beside them and a forest of trees in the…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long yellow coat and golden crown. He carries an overflowing bag of toys on his back as well as a Christmas tree in his right hand. Behind him is a sled, and then tall houses in the background. An angel in pink stands…
The scene depicts the inside of Father Christmas' workshop; he is working on a large rocking horse. One of his assistant angels puts a chimney on a toy house, and the other carries wrapped presents in a basket. The inset is surrounded by holly and…
In the center of the card, Father Christmas in a tan hooded coat kneels next to baby Jesus' green cradle. Behind them is a wooden structure like a stable and an evergreen tree. The inset is surrounded by holly and the bottom reads "All Good Wishes…
In the center of the card, Father Christmas in a tan hooded coat cradles baby Jesus in his arms. The background includes a snow-covered tree. The inset is surrounded by holly and the bottom reads "All Good Wishes for Christmas."
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