Browse Items (50 total)
The photographer sits atop a hill or a building and is slightly raised above the town of Pont-a-Mousson around the time of the St. Mihiel Front. In the foreground is a small cemetery. Behind the cemetery walls are homes and other various buildings.…
A rail line and cable are pushing through a forested area at the St. Mihiel Front in France during World War I. The railroad and cable continues straight back to the photograph. It has a few vines, tree limbs, and lines of cable covering the…
The remains of a dead German soldier are laying down on the dirt ground with debris all over. The soldier is wearing his uniform and jacket and has some sort of cylinder canteen or carrier. The soldier's left arm and hand are at his left side. The…
A portion of a broken German tank is visible with clear damage taken from an H.E. [possible heavy artillery]. The ground in the front of the photograph appears to be split with roots visible. The tank appears to be upside down or just a side view.…
A stone church stands in the middle of the photograph partially behind a building that stands in front of it. The church has taken damage from a battle at Sassey-sur-Meuse during World War I. The roof of the church has large square chunks taken from…
The photographer is standing on the opposite side of the scene at Dun-sur-Meuse on the Argonne Front during World War I. The photographer is on the other side of water appears to be a creek or river that has a slight incline towards the right side…
A scouting party for the Allies, presumably American, at Meuse-Argonne which was the final offensive push for the Allies, is walking. There are six soldier walking with guns in their hands, most with bayonets attached. There is shrubbery around the…
A shell torn cemetery in Pont-a-Mousson, France. There is a larger mausoleum to the right pf the photograph. It is arched and a lighter colored stone with a flower pot in the doorway. Above the doorway it says "Famille Rock-C[u]ri" with a cross with…
A soldier during World War I, is seen crouching and looking at the photographer. He has on a long coat that is opened, and a military cap and uniform on underneath the coat. He has a mustache and is touching a large artillery shell that is standing…
A German plane with a German Iron Cross on the lower left wing is crashed on the ground and in flames. Most of the outer covering of the plane is burnt and no longer there, while a few pieces on the back and left upper and lower wings is still not…
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