Browse Items (270 total)
Three groups of girls, dressed in white dresses, white stockings and dark vests are standing around tall May Poles. Some are holding streamers and some are standing in pairs waiting to walking around the poles. A fourth group is partially visible in…
Walking in pairs, a long line of students may be seen walking along one side of 12th Street. The boys are dressed in white short pants, long white socks and dark sashes, while the girls are dressed in white dresses, white stockings and dark vests. A…
Eleven men, dressed in white slacks, long sleeved white shirts, white caps and dark ties, are marching in a cross-shaped formation along a street paved with bricks. Street car tracks are visible in the street. This image was taken from above street…
A large float pulled by two horses and followed by a long procession of men and women dressed in their Sunday best, is moving along a brick street. Cloth streamers have been draped across the frame of the float, which is being driven by a man. A…
This image, taken from above street-level, shows a large float drawn by two horses. The float is draped in red white and blue bunting. Blankets in a similar pattern drape the horses. Uncle Sam is standing on the float and doffing his hat to the large…
A pergola with Grecian style columns has been erected on this large, horse-drawn float. Children dressed in white clothing are sitting on the float. Vines have been wrapped around the columns and roof of the pergola. Women are walking beside the…
A marching band comprised of about twenty men is marching along Main Street. The men are dressed in long sleeved white shirts, white pants, dark shoes and dark caps. A procession of men, women and children is following the band. An American flag is…
A group of young girls dressed in white dresses and sun bonnets, is standing in front of an open touring car with a license that reads “14667 IA.” Several of the girls are carrying sheaves of wheat. A women caring a folded parasol is standing near…
A group of five young boys is seen marching near 390 Main Street. The boys are dressed in dark colored short pants, white long sleeved shirts, dark sashes and white caps. They appear to be carrying wooden rifles. They are led by a man riding a horse.…
An open touring car with the Iowa license plate 64281, is visible in this image taken in front of 390 Main Street. Two men are riding in the front seat. A woman is visible in the back seat. A sign reading “…Without Loving … Love … has been erected…
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