Browse Items (32 total)
Father Christmas is driving a simple, small green wooden sleigh off to the left side of the card. He is wearing a blue coat and brown hat, has a decorated tree on the seat next to him. Riding on the back of the sleigh is a basket of fruit and a doll…
Father Christmas, dressed in a long blue coat and brown hat, has his driving goggles pushed up his forehead as he's driving a red car. It is filled with holly, a tree, and bag of toys. The sky in the background is sunset colors of red-orange, blue,…
Father Christmas is wearing his red robe as he cuts down a tree in the snow. He has a bag of toys on his back. He is holding the tree in his left hand and in his right hand he is holding the saw. The sun is setting behind him. "Christmas Greetings"…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long red coat and gray hat. Over his shoulder he is carrying three large silver bells. He has a walking stick in his hand and toys in the pocket of his coat. The background shows a field and houses with the sky…
Father Christmas is dressed in a tall white hat and red coat. He is carrying a satchel of toys and tree in one hand and a walking stick in the other. Behind him is a sunset scene with a house and woods to the right. The card reads "A Merry…
There is a head view of Father Christmas to the left of the card; behind him is a snowy dark blue sky. To the right is a snowy winter scene of teh sun setting over two houses and a field. "A merry Christmas" is printed in the upper left.
Father Christmas, dressed in a brown coat and dark green trousers, is driving a sled down a hill with an angel dressed in pink and carrying a tree behind him. He has one boot in the snow to slow their descent. There is a forest behind them and "A…
The scene depicted on a plain cream background is a shelf under a window; the viewer is looking out the window upon a sunset, path and trees. Inside, on the shelf there are a book, a present, candle, holly, and a poinsettia. "Best Christmas Wishes"…
A small scene is inset into the right center of the card depicting a river and a house at sunrise or sunset. The background of the card is brown and gold, with holly decorations. Printed to the left is "A merry Christmas."
The top half of the card depicts a sunset scene of mountains, an evergreen, and three brown birds swooping over the snow. It is bordered solely by holly berries, no leaves. The bottom reads "Merry Christmas / If this card could wish / Merry Christmas…
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