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The card depicts a country scene of a couple barns and house. Outside, there are some wagons, a fence, and other farm equipment, as well as one person walking toward the yellow house. The card's border is yellow, and ""Winter in the Country"" is…
The card depicts the snowy bank of a lake with a brilliant orange and red sunset on the far shore. Two full trees and a broken one line the bank where a lone figure is skating on the ice.
Across a snowy field stands a yellow house and shed with red roofs; beyond that are hills and trees. Walking towards the house across the field, two small figures drag a green Christmas tree down the path.
Set against a yellow background are two wood-framed inset scenes. The upper one shows a covered bridge going across a frozen river with snow all around and two people crossing it. The lower is a black-and-white drawing of a mailman beside a mailbox…
Snow covers a hilly scene with a tree and fence in the foreground and more trees in the background. A star shines its light down from the upper center of the card. "A Merry Christmas" is printed at the bottom.
Printed at the top of the card is "A Merry Christmas" with a small sprig of holly. Most of the card is taken up with a snowy scene of a snow-covered house, bridge, stream, and trees in the background.
The card features a path leading up to a house nestled among snowy trees; its windows are lit. The scene is bordered above and to the sides with a vine of holly, and two golden bells hang from the holly to the right. Printed under the bells is "A…
The central inset depicts a snowy scene. Two figures carrying bundles of sticks are coming down a snowy path. There is a fence, house, and trees leading to water in the background. The details around the scene are intricately patterned lines and…
A circular inset at the top of the card depicts a snowy church with lighted windows. Snow frames it. In the center of the card, hanging from the inset, is a cluster of greenery and holly along with three golden bells on a pink ribbon. "A Happy…
A border of holly is seen among this postcard framing a snowy house on a bay. Above the snow covered house and boat, a flying white bird can be seen. At the bottom of a the card, among a snowbank, the phrase "A Merry Christmas" is printed.
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