From behind a snowy tree, a child in a coat and round hat watches a hunched over Father Christmas as he walks through the snow. Father Christmas is dressed in a long blue coat and carries a drum and bag of toys on his back; at his belt is a bundle of…
Santa Claus in a long red coat and hat is pulling a large doll out of his overflowing bag of toys to set under the lighted and decorated tree. On the floor are other toys, including an elephant, wagon, and rocking horse. On the wall behind him is a…
A child is dressed in a blue sailor's outfit with white cap and black boots. They carry a white book under one arm and a bouquet of colorful flowers in the other. Printed at the top is "A Jolly Xmas." Below that, "Happy may the Chrsitmas find you.…
The card's central scene is bordered by a gold and holly frame; the background is silver. In the scene, Father Christmas and a child walk through the wind. Father Christmas is carrying a tree and satchel; he is wearing a long red robe and hat. The…
Father Christmas is dressed in a red robe and cap. He is standing in somebody's living room, admiring their Christmas tree. The tree is adorned with burning candles, walnuts, and brightly colored fruits. Some of the nuts and fruits have fallen off…
Father Christmas, dressed in a brown coat and cap, is holding a bundle of branches in his left hand. His right hand is upraised, scolding the child on his lap. The child is holding a package of some sort under its left harm, and has its right arm…
The main scene of the card is framed in gold and holly with a purplish background. In the scene, Father Christmas stands in a long red coat and hat with a walking stick and bag of toys on his back. Next to him stands a golden-haired child who is…
The center of the card contains a circular inset with the scene of Father Christmas and a girl child. Father Christmas is dressed in a green coat with red and green cap with a brown bag of toys on his back. A girl in blue with a bow in her hair is…
The card's scene is blurry but visible. Father Christmas stands to the right of the card, dressed in a long brown hooded coat with a staff at his back. To the left stands a little girl, holding an evergreen branch given to her by Father Christmas.…
Father Christmas stands to the right of the card, dressed in a long brown hooded coat with a basket at his back and staff in his right hand. To the left stands a little girl, holding an evergreen branch in her right hand and Father Christmas' hand in…