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In the upper portion of the card a black-haired boy dressed in blue uses an enormous red feather pen to write a letter. There is an inkwell to the left, and around the upper portion of the card various pieces of paper including a check, math problem,…
On this postcard, Father Christmas is seen holding a snow-covered sack of toys as he walks through a blistering, cold winter night. Among pictures of snow and deer, the card reads "Merry Christmas" in German.
father Christmas is seen holding hay, food, and toys under a snowy treebranch. A little ways before him, are two angels holding bells. Above the angels, on the top right-hand side of the paper reads the phrase "best wishes for a Merry Christmas" in…
Krampus is pictured writing a list, and he looks bored! He has expression on his face that he would rather be elsewhere. It is a red and black postcard.
National Santa Claus is smoking a cigarette and has am American Flag in the background. There is cursive writing on the bottom and a Christmas border around Santa.
Santa Claus is seated at a table with a machine that looks like a switchboard on top of it; it has a a horn on one side which he is listening to. "A Merry Christmas" is printed at the bottom with a poem below: "You're in my Christmas circuit / And on…
Santa Claus is seated at his desk, wearing red and smoking a pipe. He is fixing a wax seal onto a package; there are more packages and letters on the desk and a candle atop one to the right. The card reads "A merry Christmas!"
Santa Claus is seated at a table, smoking a pipe while writing a letter. There is an inkwell and holly arrangement in front of him, and in the background toys are stacked on a shelf. "Christmas Greetings" is printed in the lower right corner.
Santa Claus, dressed in red with a bag of toys on his back, leans over an oval scene of three children writing letters. A blonde, older girl in white sits in the center while two younger boys are at her right and left. The message on the right reads,…
Santa Claus is dressed in his red suit and has holly around his cap. he is holding a quill feather pen in one hand. "A Merry Christmas To You" is printed along the top.
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