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Two girls are next to a table that holds a lighted and decorated Christmas tree; one is standing while the other kneels. An angel with a shining halo is giving them treats; fruit is scattered on the floor. Father Christmas is just entering the room,…
The card's background depicts Father Christmas, dressed in a hooded brown coat and carrying toys and a lantern, approaching a cluster of houses. Inset into the card is another scene - it shows two girls singing or reading from a book while a…
Two children, a boy and a girl, seem lost as they make a path through the snowy woods. A golden-haired angel in a white and gold polka dot robe hovers over them and points the way. Printed below is "A Merry Christmas."
A tall blonde-haired angel in white with a flower crown is carrying toys in its arms. A much shorter Father Christmas stands behind is, carrying a walking stick, lantern, and tree on his back. There are snow-covered bare trees and branches by them; a…
The card's main scene is in its upper two-thirds. There, Father Christmas in a green robe with a tree over his left shoulder, a staff in his right, and a satchel of toys is being pointed to a village by a pink-robed angel. The snow-covered houses are…
The card's main scene is in its upper two-thirds. There, Father Christmas in a green robe with a tree over his left shoulder, a staff in his right, and a satchel of toys is being pointed to a village by a pink-robed angel. The snow-covered houses are…
A red-robed angel with an evergreen tree is floating on a cloud above a small village. Around the scene is a floral and ribbon border. "Loving Christmas Wishes" is printed at the bottom.
The card is printed in black and white and features a white-robed angel standing amidst the clouds, holding a decorated Christmas tree. A rope ladder next to it ascends into the clouds, from which rays of light shine forth. There are two more angels…
A red-robed angel plays a stringed instrument like a violin on the left side of the card. Printed on the right is "Hark! the heaven of heavens is ringing, Christ the Lord to man is born, Welcome, Welcome, Christmas morn. Rev. Archer Gurney." The…
A blonde-haired figure with white and red feathered wings is playing a many-stringed guitar. The print in the upper right reads "Putto Che Suona La Chitarra" with undistinguishable print afterwards, loosely translated as 'Putto plays the guitar'.

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