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A white-robed golden-haired angel is feeding a deer and a fawn in the snow. Behind them is a forest. The scene is bordered by holly and has a slip of paper at the bottom that reads "Christmas Greetings."
A robin is perched on a bare snowy branch. Below it is a banner proclaiming "Echoes from Bethlehem" and surrounded by holly.
The main scene of the card is printed in black and white. It shows a family gathered around a lighted and decorated Christmas tree. A man and woman stand to the right, with the woman holding a baby. Another child sits on the floor, and one stands by…
In the center of an open room, a man and woman appear to be beginning a dance. Both are dressed in a French style; the man on the right has a long coat with tights and pointed shoes. The woman wears a long white and green dress with a bustle. The man…
The card is separated by a holly leaf into two scenes. To the left, a woman in a yellow dress with her hair pinned up reads a card. To the right, a well-dressed group of two men and two women sits around a table making a joyful toast. The message at…
A little blonde boy dressed in white pajamas rests his head on his white bed while he prays. To the right is a blue chair with his day clothes - a collared shrit and shoes among them. To the right is printed this prayer: "Dear Lord, this / Christmas…

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Two children, a boy and a girl, are flying in an airplane/glider over snowy hills. The boy is piloting and wears a blue coat, red scarf, yellow hat, and goggles. The girl is dressed in red and holds a pair of binoculars to her eyes. The plane is…
To the right is a snow-covered church set amongst snowy evergreen trees. Its steeple is high and has a clock above the bells. Behind it, the full moon is partially covered by clouds. "Weihnacht's Gruss" is printed above it. The left side of the card…
Two girls in white dresses and hats tied underneath their chins with pink ribbon walk through a field while it is snowing. Printed to the left is "A host of bright and / pleasant things / May be suggested by / this card / My very warmest wish / it…
Closest to the viewer is a nest of birds, likely robins. Looking down, a mother and her child stand in the snow watching them. "Christmas Greetings" is printed in the upper right, and in the lower left: "Christmas is here with its frost and snow, /…
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