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The G.F. Kleih Sons Hardware Store. The storefront is a large window separated into 3 panes. Above the window is square tile design that makes up the face of the building. Within the tile is the word Kleih. Also above the window is a small fabric…
Men in uniform are posed on both sides of the front porch of a building, and two men stand at attention on the ground. There is a lady standing next to the man in the center, who holds a bouquet of flowers. In the back right, a man holds a US flag.…
Shot from across a filed, smoke rises from the chimneys as well as probably fires in a small village with a church at its center. The photograph is marked U.S. Official, 27480.

The item is cataloged at the National Archives: …
A dark-haired woman wearing a long dress and carrying a parasol, is standing next to a soda fountain counter. A man, dressed in a dark vest, long sleeved white shirt and bow tie, is standing behind the counter. Metal stools are arranged in front of…
The front and north side of the German Methodist Episcopal Church at 1681 Iowa Street, Dubuque, Iowa are visible in this image. The building is constructed of brick. Four tall windows, each with a small peaked gable, may be see on both the front and…
In the middle of the photo is a young girl wearing a tank top plaid dress, with a white shirt that goes to the middle of her forearm. She has two bows in her hair, on either side of her head and she is wearing dark hosiery, or stockings. In her left…
Dressed in identical white dresses, white stockings and black shoes, a large group of girls and older women have formed parallel lines on the Municipal Athletic field. One group at the rear of the formation appears to be waving white scarves while…
A group of young girls dressed in white dresses and sun bonnets, is standing in front of an open touring car with a license that reads “14667 IA.” Several of the girls are carrying sheaves of wheat. A women caring a folded parasol is standing near…
Three rows of girls in white dresses and black stockings stand on the steps of a building. All are holding a rolled piece of paper tied with ribbon, probably diplomas of their school. There is no identification.
Spectators line one side of a grassy “track” in a field. Girls are shown running along the track, away from the camera. A steep hill is behind the runners. The number 1366 is written on a label that has been stuck to the lower left corner of the…
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