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Santa Claus is pictured on the right side of the card, looking back over his shoulder at the viewer. He is dressed in a long red coat and hat. He carries a walking staff in one hand, and on his back has a tree, instruments, and teddy bear. there is a…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long red coat and tall black hat; his beard is gray. Over one shoulder he carries a white bag filled with gifts and toys. There is a holly decoration in the upper left with the words "Merry Christmas" printed next to…
Father Christmas is dressed in a tall white hat and red coat. He is carrying a satchel of toys and tree in one hand and a walking stick in the other. Behind him is a sunset scene with a house and woods to the right. The card reads "A Merry…
Santa Claus is standing behind the railing of a white stone porch, holding a snowy tree and a bag over his shoulder. Behind another snowy evergreen is the roof of a house. There is indistinguishable handwriting at the bottom.
Santa Claus is shown on the left side of the card. To the right is a scene of a village and church with two horses in the yard. It is bordered by holly and two robins.
Santa Claus, laughing, is carrying a load of toys in his arms. They include dolls, instruments, a teddy bear, and other toys. He has a bag and tree on his back. "Merry Christmas" is printed in the upper left corner.
Santa Claus is shown on the left side of the card; he is smoking a pipe and a bird is perched on his finger. There is a poem to the right which reads, "Merry Christmas / From here to there's an / awful ways, / measured by miles and / nights and days,…
Santa Claus is in the center of the card, tapping his nose with one finger while looking out at the viewer. Behind him is a snowy field and a house behind a sprawling tree. "Merry Christmas" is printed in the upper left, and "Affectionately yours,…
Santa Claus is in the center of the card, holding a decorated Christmas tree to eh left. To the right, the greeting "A Blissful Christmas" is shown as a blossom above a holly stem.
Santa Claus is shown in profile on the left side of the card from the shoulders up. He is watching a village scene to the right of a church and houses, which is framed in mistletoe, stars and bells. Printed beneath it is "Christmas Blessing."
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