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Santa Claus is taking a stroll through the woods while wearing his notorious red suit and cap. He is carrying a large bag of gifts on his back. He has encountered two young children on his path, a boy and a girl. The children are both kneeling on one…
Two children are kneeling and praying to St. Nicholas. St. Nicholas is carrying a bag of toys.
Inside a house, children are seen peering up the chimney, hanging stocking, and tidying up their living room to prepare for Santa Claus's arrival. Outside, Santa Claus is peering in, watching the children prepare. AT the bottom "Twas the night before…
Father Christmas, in a long golden brown coat and hat, is sitting on a red sled with his bag of toys and tree over his shoulder. Two young boys in blue and gray are pulling it, while a girl in green with a muff stands to the side. Behind them is a…
Two children, a boy and a girl, are running toward the right side of the card and pulling Santa Claus along with them by a holly vine which wraps around his waist. Santa is wearing a black coat and red hat, with a brown bag on his back. The card…
In a snowy town, three children are seen pushing a sled full of toys while Santa Claus leads the way. On the bottom of the card, the sentence "Good Wishes for a Happy Christmas" is written.
The black-and-white card shows Santa Claus standing tall while four children gather around him, the three to the left with their backs to the viewer. Those two boys and girl are reaching toward Santa Claus, while the little girl to the right with her…
Father Christmas stands in a long brown coat, wearing a blue hat with a string of pine cones on it. He is carrying a type of musical instrument, not quite a harp but shaped like a lyre. Two children, a boy in blue and a girl in white and red, reach…
Father Christmas, dressed in a reddish-brown coat, is handing a doll to a little girl. She is dressed in yellow. Behind her stands a boy, perhaps her brother, with his hand on her back. The oldest child, another girl, stands to the right, dressed in…
Father Christmas, dressed in a long gray coat and brown fur hat, is distributing gifts to five children inside a house. The oldest girl is in the front, holding her apron open to receive fruit. An older boy stands behind her to the left, and three…
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