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A Christmas Greeting With Birds
On this postcard there is a snowy, branch filled border that has 4 birds sitting among it. Around the border on the left-hand side is a red ribbon that is tied among the wood. In the center of the postcard "A Merry Christmas is written".
Angel with Shining Staff
A white-robed, blonde-haired angel with wings extended is standing on a cloud and highlighted by a red background. It has a long staff with a shining star at the top. Near its feet are yellow and orange flowers, a ribbon, and the greeting "A Merry…
Tags: angel, flowers, handwriting, ribbon, star
Cherubs Ring Bells over Village
The background of the card is deep purple at the bottom and fades to white then lighter purple near the top. The figures are mostly imprints. At the bottom, there is a village and church scene. A golden sun is rising. Above, four naked cherubs with…
Christmas Wishes with Jesus and Children
A small black and white inset to the left depicts Jesus with the children. It is surrounded by a green wreath, holly, and a red ribbon. Printed in the upper right is "With Christmas Wishes" and there are handwritten signatures at the bottom.
Decorated Bell and Holly
Hanging from a pink ribbon is a cluster of holly and a golden bell decorated with white flowers that have yellow centers. "With Christmas Greetings" is printed below, and there is a handwritten signature in the lower right.
Tags: bell, Christmas greeting, handwriting, holly, ribbon, ringing
Father Christmas Carrying Toys
Father Christmas is dressed in a long red hooded coat, walking using a walking stick. On his back he carries a blue bag of toys, and he has a satchel filled with more toys and a small tree. "A Merry Christmas" is printed in the upper left and there…
Tags: bag of toys, bell, Father Christmas, holly, ribbon, tree, walking
Father Christmas Delivers Tree and Mistletoe
Father Christmas is dressed in a long red robe, carrying a bag of toys on his back, dolls at his belt, a Christmas tree in one hand and a basket of mistletoe in the other. "A Merry Christmas" is printed in the upper right and the handwritten…
Father Christmas with Tree and Toys
Father Christmas is dressed in a long red coat and hat. He is carrying a bag of toys on his back as well as one on his front; under his left arm he has a Christmas tree with the base facing toward the viewer. There are are scattered holly decorations…
Tags: bag of toys, bell, Father Christmas, holly, ribbon, tree