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In this postcard there is an outlined border. Inside that border, there is a portrait with a lavishly-dressed couple holding a little pig with a ribbon around it. At the bottom of the card the text "A Happy New Year" can be seen.
In this postcard, a man with war-tattered clothing is seen holding down people with his foot with a knife raised high above his head as if he is about to hit the man on the ground. Around the man with the knife, there are many more people lying on…
In this postcard, Mother Theresa, the patron, is seen coming down from heaven accompanied by angels, visiting a small village. At the top corners of the postcard, the words "Sancta Theresia Missionum Patrona" (Mother Theresa, the Patron) are printed.
In the center of the ornate room is a golden four-poster bed. A dark-haired woman, perhaps with a crown or halo, lies on it. Kneeling at its side is the Pope, who is dressed opulently in a vestment with a long red train, white train, golden robe and…
The card depicts a woman, probably Mary, holding a fabric-swaddled bundle that is most likely a baby. She is dressed in pure white with a white gown and veil; she also wears a necklace. The bundle is white fabric with gold trim. There is…
The card is depicting either the Ascension or Transfiguration, but more likely the Ascension. Jesus is above a crowd of people, ascending into the clouds and framed by a golden light. To his left and rigth are two other male figures. Below him is a…
In the foreground is a group of people dressed in brightly-colored clothing. To the left is a woman in a pink dress and blue cloak; a man to the right, dressed in blue and gold, is placing a ring on her finger. Between them, a man dressed perhaps as…
A crowd of saints, both men and women, with halos either hold musical instruments or look at the many on the ground. The leftmost figure is a man in a green robe and red cloak; he holds a piece of paper and a sword at his side. Next, a woman barely…
The card is divided into two scenes. In the lower half, a white marble tomb stands open with flowers inside insetad of a body. There is a crowd of men and women standing around it, all looking upwards to the top scene. There, perched on a cloud, Mary…
Jesus is dressed in a white robe with blue cloack as he ascends into the clouds. Around him are many cherubs and angels. Below him, the eleven apostles watch.
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