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The card is printed in monochrome. It depicts a man and a woman decorating a room in their house for Christmas. The woman is hanging wreaths and the man is hanging stockings by the fireplace. "Xmas Greetings" is printed across the upper right, and…
A shining candle dominates the card. The wax is red and it is set in a gold base, which has a pendulum hanging from it; the candle is surrounded by holly. Its flame is orange and has a face drawn into it; the rays of light it throws off are yellow.…
The card is entitled "Volumes of Good Wishes" and printed to look like it's on a torn piece of paper. Underneath the title is a stack of books, some sitting up, some laying down, and one open; an inkwell is next to them. Printed at the bottom are the…
The only thing printed on the card is a lifelike image of a green-leafed poinsettia with two red blossoms.
Closest to the viewer is a nest of birds, likely robins. Looking down, a mother and her child stand in the snow watching them. "Christmas Greetings" is printed in the upper right, and in the lower left: "Christmas is here with its frost and snow, /…
Two girls in white dresses and hats tied underneath their chins with pink ribbon walk through a field while it is snowing. Printed to the left is "A host of bright and / pleasant things / May be suggested by / this card / My very warmest wish / it…
To the right is a snow-covered church set amongst snowy evergreen trees. Its steeple is high and has a clock above the bells. Behind it, the full moon is partially covered by clouds. "Weihnacht's Gruss" is printed above it. The left side of the card…
Two children, a boy and a girl, are flying in an airplane/glider over snowy hills. The boy is piloting and wears a blue coat, red scarf, yellow hat, and goggles. The girl is dressed in red and holds a pair of binoculars to her eyes. The plane is…
A little blonde boy dressed in white pajamas rests his head on his white bed while he prays. To the right is a blue chair with his day clothes - a collared shrit and shoes among them. To the right is printed this prayer: "Dear Lord, this / Christmas…

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The card is separated by a holly leaf into two scenes. To the left, a woman in a yellow dress with her hair pinned up reads a card. To the right, a well-dressed group of two men and two women sits around a table making a joyful toast. The message at…
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