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The card is divided into two scenes. In the lower half, a white marble tomb stands open with flowers inside insetad of a body. There is a crowd of men and women standing around it, all looking upwards to the top scene. There, perched on a cloud, Mary…
The card depicts a queen, most likely Mary. She is dressed in gold with a blue cloak; both are covered in elaborate gold embroidery. She wears a large gold crown, and extending around her are gold rays. At the base of the pedastal on which she stands…

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The card features Mary, dressed in blue and red, holding the baby Jesus, also dressed in red. They each have halos and there is a crown hovering over them. The border surrounding the window-like scene is a very ornate and colorful floral design in…

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Mary holds the baby Jesus as he plays. "A Christmas Greeting" is printed at the top and "O blessed day, O Christmas morn, When unto us, The Christ was born" at the bottom. The card is black and white.
Mary, dressed in blue, red, and gold with white polk dots, is sitting amidst the clouds with baby Jesus in her lap and rays of light shining from them. An angel is kneeling to the right, in pink with a palm branch, and adn in purple on the right.…
Mary is seen holding her newborn son, Jesus, among a chorus of angels that are all praying and playing for the birth of Jesus. Bordering the picture is a frame encompassing mistletoe and the phrase "mistletoe" at the top of the card.
In the foreground is a group of people dressed in brightly-colored clothing. To the left is a woman in a pink dress and blue cloak; a man to the right, dressed in blue and gold, is placing a ring on her finger. Between them, a man dressed perhaps as…

MARK Record.jpg

Marian Year Ceremonies 1953 - 54 5.jpg
Procession of religious figures and people coming into Christ the King Chapel. The religious figures hold a processional cross and candlesticks. On either side of the sidewalk, a chorus sings from pamphlets.
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