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On this postcard there is a snowy, branch filled border that has 4 birds sitting among it. Around the border on the left-hand side is a red ribbon that is tied among the wood. In the center of the postcard "A Merry Christmas is written".
At the top of this postcard, there is a banner with the word Christmas is bold letters that is colored purple. The banner is brown with white lining at the top and bottom. Hanging from the banner is a bronze lantern with a lit candle. Behind all of…
A circular inset at the top of the card depicts a snowy church with lighted windows. Snow frames it. In the center of the card, hanging from the inset, is a cluster of greenery and holly along with three golden bells on a pink ribbon. "A Happy…
In the foreground of the card is a red-breasted robin singing atop a wooden fence covered in holly. In the upper portion of the card, three more robins sit side-by-side on a tree branch with brown leaves. "Christmas Blessings" is printed above them.
In the upper portion of the card is an inset of a large black and red ship at sea; next to it is a tall lamppost. The card reads ""Remembrance" from the Dear Old Home at Xmas / Across the boundless ocean / on this joyous Christmas day / comes a…
"A Merry Christmas" is printed at the center of the card. Above it flies a bird, perhaps a robin; it is brown with a red breast. There is a holly cluster surrounding the greeting and around the edges of the card are white flowers with yellow centers.
The central inset depicts a snowy scene. Two figures carrying bundles of sticks are coming down a snowy path. There is a fence, house, and trees leading to water in the background. The details around the scene are intricately patterned lines and…
The top half of the card depicts a sunset scene of mountains, an evergreen, and three brown birds swooping over the snow. It is bordered solely by holly berries, no leaves. The bottom reads "Merry Christmas / If this card could wish / Merry Christmas…
The scene depicted on a plain cream background is a shelf under a window; the viewer is looking out the window upon a sunset, path and trees. Inside, on the shelf there are a book, a present, candle, holly, and a poinsettia. "Best Christmas Wishes"…
A golden star shines out its rays in the upper right of the card. They illuminate a church near the left side and a large cluster of holly that takes up the card's center right. "A happy Christmas" is printed at the bottom.

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